To fast your code production it will be a good idea to write the common code to be general one then you can use it when you need without write and test it from beginning.
We want to build dynamic where clause at run-time in a general way.
Building where clause is included in cases like printing jasper report or making a custom search form.
The basic structure of where clause is :
COLUMN_NAME Operator Value1
EMPLOYEES.EMP_NAME likes '%Mahmoud%'
EMPLOYEES.HireDate between 1/1/2011 and 1/1/2015
"concatenateWhereClause" is a method that perform previous structure:
We want to build dynamic where clause at run-time in a general way.
Building where clause is included in cases like printing jasper report or making a custom search form.
The basic structure of where clause is :
COLUMN_NAME Operator Value1
EMPLOYEES.EMP_NAME likes '%Mahmoud%'
EMPLOYEES.HireDate between 1/1/2011 and 1/1/2015
"concatenateWhereClause" is a method that perform previous structure:
public void concatenateWhereClause(StringBuilder where, String attr, String operator, String... value) { if (where.length() > 0) { where.append(" and "); } if (operator.trim().equals("like")) { where.append(attr + " like '%" + value[0] + "%'" + " "); } else if (operator.trim().equals("between")) { where.append(" " + attr + " between " + value[0] + " and " + value[1] + " "); } else { where.append(" " + attr + " " + operator + " " + value[0] + " "); } }and you can call previous method in your search method:
StringBuilder whereClause;
public String startSearch() { ViewObject vo = ADFUtils.findIterator("VIEW_ITERATOR").getViewObject(); whereClause = new StringBuilder(""); if (SEARCH_COMPONENT.getValue() != null && !SEARCH_COMPONENT.getValue().toString().trim().equals("") ) { concatenateWhereClause(whereClause, "EMP_NO", "=", SEARCH_COMPONENT.getValue().toString()); }
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